UKPN London Power Tunnel: supply of trefoil cable cleat

UKPN London Power Tunnel: supply of trefoil cable cleat

UKPN London Power Tunnels: Trefoil Cable Cleat Supply

Delivery Date                    Oct 2016

Project Name                    London Power Tunnels

Main Contractor              Farrans

Sub-Contractor               Balfour Beatty, NPG

Project Location              Central London

Scope of supply                Bespoke Centaur Trefoil



The London Power Tunnels project will create a new 32km electricity super highway deep below the capital, which will help keep Londoners connected to safe and reliable electricity supplies. In some areas of the system power is transmitted via 6 sets of cables in trefoil arrangement, to safely contain these cables a new trefoil cable cleat was required.



Working directly with UK Power Networks (UKPN), Ellis developed a trefoil version of its Centaur cable saddle, a bespoke product that not only allowed the preferred trefoil arrangement of HV cables to be run through a stretch of tunnel between New Cross and Finsbury Market, but also significantly reduce the number of supports required. An essential part of the development process was a product test in a short circuit test station in Prague. For the test the structure used in the tunnel was created and suitable cable shipped from the UK.