New Wear Bridge Crossing: Cable duct support system

New Wear Bridge Crossing: Cable duct support system

New Wear Bridge Crossing Cable Duct Support System

Date                                      Feb-Sep 2016

Project Name                     New Wear Bridge Crossing

Main Contractor               Farrans

Sub-Contractor                Balfour Beatty, NPG

Project Location               Wear Bridge, Sunderland, UK

Scope of supply                Standard 2F+ clamps complete with stainless steel support framework

Quantity                              240 complete units



Northern Power Grid installed power cables under the New Wear Bridge as a new main supply route. The existing route on the Queen Alexander Bridge was scheduled to be decommissioned due to its age and the phasing out of oil filled cables. The cable installation is unique in that it requires the cables to be suspended under the bridge and above a river. The cables are carried in Emtelle ducts.

Balfour Beatty were contracted by NPG to install the cables, they in turn approached Ellis to provide a duct support solution.



Ellis worked with Balfour Beatty to develop a product to suspend the duct from the underside of the bridge, and also develop an installation methodology. The solution was based around on 12 off standard 2F+ clamp with a bespoke stainless steel structure.

240 assemblies in total were supplied. The frames hang from the underside of the bridge and support ducts supplied by Emtelle. Power cables are then installed into these ducts.