Cable Guide Clamp for Norwegian Tunnel Installation

Cable Guide Clamp for Norwegian Tunnel Installation

Cable Guide Clamp for Norwegian Tunnel Installation

Date                                      2021

Project Name                    Sotrasambandet (Sotra Connection)

Project Location                Norway

Scope of supply                Cable Guide Clamp

Ellis Project #                     1320


Requirement As part of the Sotra Connection project cables were required to be installed in tunnels with tight bend radii and limited access. It was not possible to install using conventional cable cleats.


Solution Ellis supplied the Cable Guide Clamp product. The product was initially developed for an offshore project with restricted access. The cable is pulled through the clamp and guided into position using the clamps low friction surface, once in position the lid of the cleat is removed, a pad added and the cable is then securely clamped in position.

Cable Guide Clamp mounted to structure and cable being pulled through