Subsea Termination Clamp Brackets

Subsea Termination Clamp Brackets

Subsea Termination Clamp Brackets

Date                                     2021

Project Name                    Subsea Cleat 220kV

Project Location               Various offshore locations

Scope of supply                Cable Joint Clamp Brackets

Ellis project #                    1530


Requirement Ellis were approached by a company who supply joints and protective housings to repair offshore subsea cables. The company had a design for the outer housing and the joint but required a solution for supporting the cable within the housing.


Solution Ellis’s Technical Team were provided with detailed CAD models of the enclosure. This showed the detail of the space and fixing points available. A design was developed that used a combination of standard products and a new bespoke design. To validate the design a combination of hand calculations and FEA was used. The detailed design drawings were sent to the Ellis production team and then manufactured on site at Ellis.

3D Model of cable joints in subsea rated housing

FEA design validation

Cable and joint clamping solutions


Completed brackets prior to shipping