Duct and Pipe Support Brackets for Road Bridge

Duct and Pipe Support Brackets for Road Bridge

Duct and Pipe Support Brackets for Road Bridge

Date                                     2019

Project Name                    Springhead Bridge

Project Location               Ebbsfleet, Kent, UK

Scope of supply                Steelwork to support ducts and pipe

Ellis Project #                    1435


Requirement Following Ellis’s supply of steel work on the Wear Crossing project, Ellis was approached to provide a steelwork solution for the Springhead Bridge. The main design of the bridge had been completed but the structure to support ducts that would carry power cables was still to be completed.


Solution Members of the Ellis technical team visited the site and were provided with detailed drawings of the bridge structure. Using this data a 3D CAD model was created and a design developed to fit the requirements of the project. A challenge specific to the project was that the supports were all required to be of varying heights due to the geometry of the bridge. To simplify installation and eliminate the potential for confusion on site, a single design was created that offered a range of heights. The design was required to be finished in a short timescale, so off the shelf material was used. The design was then checked for strength by using a combination of hand calculations and 3D CAD. The solution was then manufactured and assembled by Ellis.

Adjustable duct support bracket including brackets on bridge (brown) and ducts (black)

Brackets and duct installed on underside of bridge