Pegasus Cable Hangers for Torr Hill Quarry

Pegasus Cable Hangers for Torr Hill Quarry

Pegasus Cable Hangers for Torr Hill Quarry

Date                                      2017

Project Name                    Torr Hill Quarry

Project Location                Devon, UK

Ellis project ref                  1302

Scope of supply                Polymer cable hangers



The customer contacted Ellis as they had a range of cables on site that were supported in various configurations, after a review they decided that a standardised product was required to provide consistent cable support.



Ellis attended the site and were provided with details of the cable locations and loadings. From this, various solutions were investigated. Ellis offered a range of hangers, for this application a polymer hanger with an aluminium spine was selected. The Pegasus hanger is manufactured and can be rapidly assembled in the factory to suit the clients configuration. Various configurations of the Pegasus hanger were drawn up and manufactured at Ellis. These were supplied to site and installed by the contractor.

Ellis Pegasus Hangers installed on site