Mobile Cable Stands offering short circuit protection

Mobile Cable Stands offering short circuit protection

Mobile Cable Stands offering short circuit protection

Date                                      2020

Project Location                Netherlands

Scope of supply                 Bespoke short circuit protection structures

Ellis Project #                     1493



Ellis was approached by a customer who required a solution for a cable management challenge. The customer was using a mobile generator and required short circuit protection for the cables from the generator to where the electricity was required approx. 20m away. The solution needed to provide short circuit protection and also be easily transportable.



Ellis developed a solution based on existing proven Emperor cleats, combined with bespoke steelwork. The steelwork was designed to be lightweight and easily assembled, whilst maintaining the structural integrity required to restrain the cables in the case of a short circuit. The Ellis technical team used 3D CAD modelling to design the structure. This was then optimised by using FEA software and hand calculations. The finalised design drawings were passed to the Ellis operations team and the parts were manufactured in house at Ellis.


CAD Model of stacked cable stand showing Emperor single cleat

FEA software used to optimise design

Trial assembly of finished product