Mine Shaft Cable Clamps

Mine Shaft Cable Clamps

Mine Shaft Cable Clamps

Date                                     2020

Project Name                    Woodsmith Mine

Project Location               North Yorkshire

Scope of supply                Bespoke Brackets

Ellis Project#                    1446 & 1576


Requirement A customer required a cleat solution to fit existing brackets in a vertical access tunnel to a mine shaft. A range of cables were required to be held; the brackets were already installed in the shaft so the solution was required to interface with them.


Solution Ellis received samples of cables and brackets and experimented with a number of retention solutions in their in-house test facility. Upon completion of the development work, new designs were created and manufacturing drawings produced. The material selection and size were backed up with hand and FEA calculations. One of the solutions was based around an existing design and the other required a completely new solution.  Drawings were supplied to the customer including the supply of the part number to be filed in the project documentation pack.

Testing concept designs with customers cable in Ellis on site test facility                          

3D Model of customers bracket in blue with adaptor bracket and Ellis Phoenix cleats

3D Model bracket and cable

Completed part installed on customer supplied bracket.